Tonight I was faced with the question every person dreads. What should I make tonight for dinner? At least I dread it because asking myself this question means that I didn't plan a meal and now I have to come up with one on the fly using stuff I already have in the kitchen. So in my search for inspiration, I came across some butternut squash that had been sitting in the fridge for a while and needed to be used. "Liiiiightbulb", I said to myself. I remembered that I had read some research on PCOS and found that reducing meat consumption is a good thing. So yeah! Go me for listening!
I have never made butternut squash soup before and I was too lazy to look for a recipe online, so I decided to wing it. Here is what I got:

3 cloves of garlic, smashed
1 T. olive oil
64 ounces of butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and cubed
8 c. low-sodium vegetable stock
Salt and pepper
Heat a large pot on medium-high, add the olive oil and onions and cook until onions are translucent. Add the garlic and cook until you can smell it.
Next, add in the butternut squash and vegetable stock and allow to simmer until squash is tender.

Using the immersion blender also allows me to puree the soup in the pot and then salt and pepper to taste. If I were to use a blender or food processor, I would have to season each batch separately. Not fun.
The result is a naturally creamy, nutrient packed soup that is only 73 calories per serving. Whhhhhaaaat!?! Yes that's right, only 73 calories. And in each bowl, you get 100% of the vitamin C you need in a day. Plus loads of other beneficial nutrients. You can check them all out here. And did I mention that it tastes awesome and is basically the easiest soup in the world to make. You seriously can't go wrong here. Pin It
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